I'll start with the field trip from last week. Because I'm not teaching kindergarten this term, I don't have set kids to photograph throughout the day. This means I can choose the cutest out of the lot from the day and update you with them! We went to the Zoo Park (you may recognize some of these photo locations from last year's trip here). For those of you who haven't followed my ramblings for a year, the Zoo Park is a giant kids play area with tons of different rooms and activities. Basically, parents can set their kid loose and not worry about them hurting themselves or getting into trouble, as there are Zoo Park employees located at each room and other strategic places throughout the area.
Arriving around 10, we played ourselves ragged until 1:30 when it was time to head back to Little America. Again, the kids are exhausted after field trips, but only a fraction of the amount that the teachers are.
After returning from the field trip and shipping the little ones home, it was time for the Elementary song contest! I was lucky enough to teach my phonics (beginner) class of 10 students, as well as my more advanced group of girls. We had been practicing hard all month and I was super confident in my classes this year. Here they are having fun!
This week we got a 4 day weekend because of Children's Day and Buddha's Birthday (thanks kids and jolly chubby man). In order to celebrate, a few friends, Ciara and Sean, and I headed off to the East coast to see what all the hype was about. Thank goodness for Ciara's excellent research skills, for if not for those we never would have found one of the strangest hotels I've ever seen and stayed in in my entire life.
Yep, that's a giant cruise ship. Looks like any normal cruise ship right? Let me give you another perspective....
Laura Teacher, did you photoshop that cruise ship on the side of a mountain? Nope. No, I didn't. This ship is right where its architects wanted it to be. Resting on the edge of a mountain looking over the sea. Our theory was that someone went on a cruise and suffered the usual bout of seasickness, thus ruining his experience and appetite (hah) for another cruise. This certain someone, also happened to be an architect. See where I'm going with this? The inside of the hotel comes equipped with several gift shops, a few restaurants/lounges, a gym (closed for renovations), a pool (also closed...), a wedding hall, and even a teeny tiny driving range on the top. Everything you could ever need on a cruise, minus the rocking of the ocean. Our room looked like a one on fancy cruise ship, except in exchange for a view of endless ocean water, we got a view of the beach, mountains, and a quaint seaside town! Not a bad trade-off methinks.
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The view from our room |
Upon reaching the garden area we were welcomed by the fountain of three urinating cherubs. Not the post pleasant way to fill a fountain, but hey, when in Korea. I felt that the following picture captured the serenity and beauty of the gardens. As well as a chubby naked baby butt.
"Boxcar Children" anyone? |
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A view from nearby the restaurant- photo cred goes to Sean for his artistic eye |
After dinner we were absolutely stuffed. We hopped in the shuttle to bring us back up to the hotel and check out the rotating lounge at the top of the ship. Just because we are all just that super cool, we sipped on our drinks and played a round of scrabble. We made it about half a rotation (this place moved incredibly slowly) before the yawning and eye-rubbing began. After enjoying a bath (separately of course) we hopped into bed and called it a night.
Early the next morning (around 5:00AM) to be exact, the hotel sounds an alarm to wake up the guests to watch the famous sunrise. Unfortunately, it was a bit cloudy that morning, making for a less-spectacular sunrise, but it was gorgeous nonetheless.
Grabbing some complimentary breakfast (thanks Ciara) we groggily wandered back to the room to rest (or in my case, read) until a more acceptable hour to begin our adventures that day. Again, unfortunately, the weather was not cooperative with any tanning activities. Although we did end up walking along in the sand, collecting shells, and running away from the freezing cold water. At one point, Sean spotted a small pavilion on the top of a nearby hill. We decided to check it out, and I'm so glad we did! Not only was it free from any neon-clad-Makgeolli-drinking-older-folk, but it was gorgeous as well.
After soaking in this private hilltop pavilion we wandered back down and continued our stroll on the beach. Once we got far enough past the throngs of Koreans, fully dressed in winter clothes, we decided it was safe to soak up a bit of sun and don our bathing suits. We did provide a show for some of the rail-bike riders on the tracks along the beach. We waved cordially and went on our way.
After a short break back up at the hotel to freshen up, we sauntered back into town for another night of raw fish. This time we didn't overdo it. We spent the evening getting to know each other a bit more, as well as enjoying the pseudo Fourth of July show on the beach right outside the restaurant.
We knew the next day would be mainly getting ready to travel back and then the actual traveling part. Therefore, we wanted to get the most out of this last evening. Aka we went back, enjoyed our baths again and put on some educational film entertainment (Anchorman 2...and I fell asleep). Waking up to the sunrise alarm once more only to have it sound like the ship was going through some sort of wind tunnel outside deterred us from viewing it the second morning. I was daydreaming (or maybe actual dreaming) about the wind blowing the ship down into the water. Hopefully that nice propeller at the back is actually a functional one. And that the in-house bakery can provide food for us as we float along the coast.
That didn't happen (I know I had you all on the edge of your seats). We packed up and said goodbye to this very odd, yet lovely hotel. It was quite the experience. Hopping on the bus to the terminal (45 minutes), then the bus to Seoul (5 hours), then the subway to Bucheon (45 minutes), the walk to the apartment (5 minutes), and crawling up onto the couch to write this blog (3 minutes....I was tired...) proved to be an exhausting day of traveling. Good news is that I also have tomorrow off! The full day all to myself to spend as I please. Now that my grad school courses are finished, I have a break from homework until the next two begin in June! I think I foresee some reading, running, and cleaning in my future. Next weekend (After only a 3 day week of work!) will be yet another beach adventure to the more famous Jeju Island! Can't wait to check that area out and fill you all in soon.
xoxo Until next time
Korean Phrase of the Post:
단어를 풒으드있다?
(daneoreul pupeudisda)
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