Friday, July 22, 2016

I'll Teach in Long Beach

So! Update time....

Unaccompanied Baggage (the stuff that the military packs up from your home and sends to your new home first) is gone. Household Goods (the rest of the stuff you want in your new home) is gone. Which leaves the crazy dog and I with one Ikea bed, some clothes, and a large dog crate to fill the apartment. She has adjusted well to the increased amount of room for jumping and running around, and the cave-like echo that now occurs doesn't seem to bother her.

For me, I've found that I rely heavily on music being played in the house, and finding random, yet important tasks to keep me busy.

For example:

1. Cleaning out random, half-used, and probably expired residence of our fridge (should have happened before the move, but whatever)

2. Vaccuming. aka "Keep Callie hiding in the bedroom for an extended period of time"

3. Wondering how we managed to acquire so many little things that somehow didn't make it into either of the previous packing days but I don't want to throw away nor pack in a suitcase...What do you do with this stuff??? *proceeds to put it in a small pile of other things don't have a home*

4. Rearranging said piles of stuff

Anyway. I predict a few small boxes being sent to L.A. with these random items, and further research on what donations (food/toiletries/etc) are like here in Germany. Based on my experiences of the way things are here, I'd say it would be more difficult to try and donate them than becoming president of The United States...oh wait...

Some GREAT news, to balance out this bleak future of the random household items, is that I have accepted a job offer from an independent school in Irvine, California!! While other schools I was hearing back from tended to be an hour to two hours drive (with traffic AHHH), this school, Tarbut V'Torah is a 30-40 minute drive from our new apartment in Long Beach (manageable!). I have been hired as a STEAM Coordinator. No I will not be working with the vapor into which water is converted when heated. STEAM stands for "Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math." The addition of the "A" is exciting, as I gravitate towards arts and crafts (yes. I own coloring books). Not only will I be working on teaching STEAM to students from pre-k to 5th grade, but I will also be at the forefront of their MakerSpace project! A "MakerSpace" is a relatively new phenomenon in schools where students have an environment complete with tools, resources, technology, complete independent and class projects! Some technology could be 3D printers, robots, coding, and lasers! I. AM. SO. EXCITED. And who wouldn't be when they basically get to design their own room like this??

 Before getting the job offer I was slowly coming to terms with having to drive 2-4 hours a day in the infamous Los Angeles traffic. I wasn't going to like it, but I wanted a job so badly, that I was willing to do it. Not only is this school closer, but it's a better opportunity than I could ever imagine! I can't wait!

For now. I'm going to continue getting the apartment emptied and cleaned, training Callie to be a normal dog (...), and preparing for my job! Which will start 4 days after landing in L.A!

Wish me luck <3

until next time xoxo

German of the post

"Mein Hunde denkt, dass ich verrückt bin."
"My dog thinks I'm crazy."

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