Travels in Europe

Travels in Europe

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Not Goodbyes, but See You Laters

Anyeong! Didn't think I'd left you did you? No, I figured you all needed a break after the rather extensive post from the Boracay trip 2 weeks ago (was it really already 2 weeks ago??). Also nothing too mind-boggling happened last week. Not enough to write a post about anyways. This week though was a lot of fun! Wednesday was a field trip to a Sand-Art show and we had the Thursday off for Independence Day, therefore Wednesday night, Amanda invited the teachers at Little America to a little gathering at her apartment to say goodbye!

The field trip was a bit long and tedious for the kids. Lots of the hurry-up-and-wait kind of thing. Also, government buildings' air conditioning is being regulated, so only if it is hotter than a certain temperature can the buildings turn on the heat. This means we all stood melting while we waited to get into the show. We wondered around and tried to make the best of the waiting so we didn't have a group of puddles instead of children.

we found a giraffe
The Sand Art show, once we were ushered into the room, was actually pretty cool! The ability to manipulate the sand and transition from animal to animal is a skill that takes a lot of practice and artistic ability. The guy who performs the show obviously gets enough practice. The woman narrating wasn't even facing the show, but had her back to the screen and was standing in front of the fan. She had memorized the timing, questions, and order of the entire show. I can only assume they do about 20 shows a day over and over and over again. Keeping up your energy and enthusiasm for each new group of small children must be taxing. I was impressed though. The woman laughed and smiled with the kids a lot! The man performing did not look so happy. He was probably contemplating where his life had taken this turn. He could be performing in Vegas or "Drawing Hero" but here he is making sea animals for 6 and 7 year olds who scream the names at him over and over. Poor guy.



 The students got an opportunity to play in the sand as well! Groups of 6 had their own back-lit sand table to draw and write in. My girls enjoyed making their own shapes and sand piles! The students were then herded into the next room where they could create their own scratch-art Dinosaur and glue on sparkly sand to make it beautiful. Obviously anything sparkly and pink causes my girls to go into fits of "Awwwww beauuuuutifullll" and "sooo cuuutteeEE", so they were all set with this craft!


When we returned from the field trip the students got the chance to have a water gun fight on the roof. I explained to them that my camera was my shield. They weren't allowed to shoot me with their water guns or else....As for the other teachers they had free reign! It was funny to see the students let loose on their friends. Others got upset that "they were wet", but as I pointed out to was a water gun fight...everyone is wet...This logic didn't seem to make them feel better, but they soon forgot their soaked clothes and enjoyed the games.



Stick up!

Scary Jess.....

After work, it was time for the party at Amanda's! She is finishing off her contract next week. I will miss her so much! I remember her showing me around Little America and Bucheon when I first arrived. She helped me feel comfortable and and welcome in my first few weeks here. Things will be so different without her! Her students and coworkers will all miss her terribly. I think it will take us a few weeks to accept her absence. This better be a joke and she comes in the next day saying, "Just kidding!". I'll be waiting for it.

We all show up, some of us with food in tow, to have a fun and relaxing evening at her (and soon to my my) beautiful apartment! Those of you who want to and should come visit- here is a sneak peak at what it looks like!

Recently things have been pretty busy at school. I can tell that the Korean teachers especially have been a bit stressed over progress reports and the upcoming TOSEL tests this week. They need a place to wind down and not think about school if even just for a night.

Alex's delicious cupcakes!

Failed "banana game"

Things started off calmly with a bit of the "Banana Game" and "Apples to Apples", then we got louder when we started to play the "Heads Up" App game on Kaitie's phone. In this game you pick a category and hold the phone on your forehead. Others need to provide clues to get you to say the word on your forehead. It is a bit overwhelming having 5 people screaming random words at you until you figure out what you should say. I can only imagine how it would be in a second language! We tried to do some rounds without talking which turned into a hilarious game of miming and lots of big arm motions. An excellent evening with amazing people. Wish we could have had nights like that more often! I'll have to plan some now that I have the "party apartment".

The next day after a run, Kaitie and I relaxed on the roof in the sun almost all day. We kept forgetting we had to return to work for one more day! Random days off in the middle of the week are fun but rather disorienting. That night we went to get pigs feet (yep...) for dinner with Katrina, Seol, and Amanda, nearby the apartment. Didn't taste like a foot, although I wouldn't be exactly sure how a foot might taste. The spicy version was delicious as was the side of white kimchi! My camera was dead so there are no pig-feet photographs. Next time! Friday went by quickly, then Saturday Amanda, Kaitie, and I went to get a mani-pedi in preparation for Amanda's going away party that evening! The ladies at the nail salon were so nice. Still tsk-tsked me for not having gorgeous long nails (this last week has been rough on them at school) but they do a really nice job and quickly too! They then thought Amanda was our mother. Which I take as a compliment. Amanda can be my second mom any day! They were rather put off by the fact that she wasn't paying for our nail services though. She's teaching us life-lessons about spending and budgeting I suppose.

That evening we got all dolled up and went to a ShabuShabu restaurant nearby for some dinner before, what was going to be a long evening. ShabuShabu is definitely one of my favorite meals in Korea. The fresh veggies and wraps make for such a healthy and filling meal!


 Squid shaped dumpling

After having to basically be rolled out of the restaurant we hopped in a cab to a cocktail bar in JungDong called 18th Street. We took over the place and met up with a crowd of Amanda's friends from various places over her years here in Korea. She knows so many people and you can tell how much they care for her! She has made some life-long connections. We were all having a fantastic time, but I could sense an undertone of "wow this is her last weekend out with us here..." I refuse to think I'm never going to see her again! She will be in Australia eventually, which is on my list of places to travel, so this isn't goodbye!
Little America's Finest

Wibbly stealing pie

As per usual in Korea, we end our night in a norebang singing out hearts out to classics and not so classics (Gangnam Style made it on the set list some how). At around 4:30 I made the decision to head back home, Kaitie joined me as the others kept up their momentum further into the night (or morning I suppose). The next morning we would be meeting Patti Teacher and Tina Teacher for brunch at 11:30. I was hoping to be functioning on some level. Enough to hold an intelligent conversation at least. Turns out I was fine! Just hope I will be able to sleep better this evening before work tomorrow. Crossing fingers.

The brunch today was at the Sheraton Hotel in Incheon. The buffet spread was incredible. There was a Mexican theme this month so the tables were filled with quesadillas, fajita bars, and Mexican desserts like tres leches cake and flan. Patti teacher is leaving Little America as well. A new supervisor will join us and take her place. I've really enjoyed having Patti there as my boss! She is knowledgeable and so helpful! If you needed something done, she would do it. I will miss her as well! Though now she will be able to spend more quality time with her young daughter at home. Nearby to the Sheraton Hotel is "Central Park". Well not the real one, but one can dream. This city where hotel is located is brand new. Construction lines the streets, but there are some beautiful things in place now. This park is one of them. Set in the middle of a city skyline, the green and traditional Korean temple roofs look incredible set against the tall office buildings surrounding the park. We walked through the park taking the usual ridiculous amounts of pictures until it was time to head back home and hopefully catch up on sleep!
Tina <3


Until next time xoxo

Korean of the post:
너 보고싶을꺼야
neo, bogo-ship-euhl-keo-ya
I will miss you!


  1. I commented on your blog a few months back. I will be teaching in Bucheon and your blog has been very helpful! I'll be teaching at a girls' high school very soon!

    1. That's such an incredible compliment! If we cross paths when you come (which will most likely happen) please say hey! I'm excited for you to start this adventure :)
